Monday, February 12, 2007

Eros Plugs In

Listen up, zombie!
Dont't argue with the fact--you're a zombie, I'm a zombie, a confined galaxy of electrical impulses and organic blanketing dead long before a coffin-shaped black hole slams shut on top of us, it's true. But we shouldn't be, not anymore!
Remember what Plato said Apollodorus said Socrates said?
PARAPHRASE: Eros--God of Love, and, for our purposes here, representative of godhood in general; after all, don't the Christians like to proselytize "God is Love?" Jews, too? Muslims?--is the longing for immortality.
Alright, follow this up with a six-word Tiptree-ism:
CITATION: "And what gods have, mortals desire."
Add 'em up.
Gods long for immortality.
Mortals want what gods want.
Mortals long for immortality.
A syllogism for the ages, is it not?
Yes, it is. Mortals, you and I, zombie, we long for immortality, we long for Eros, the Eros of the Wired World, the Eros of MySpace and the Camera-Phone, the Eros of American Idol and 1 vs. 100, the Eros of Instant Celebrity.
An Instant Celebrity of the kind the gendered lump of "Delphi" Burke jacks into in 'The Girl Who Was Plugged In."
For "Delphi," it's the immortality of product placement, product recognition, YOUR mug is THEIR logo. She's Pepsi-Cola's Michael Jackson, Taco Bell's chihuahua, T-Mobil's Catherine Zeta-Jones.
And, zombie, here is our escape hatch, our big chance to beat biology, This Immortality Brought To You By Newscorp.
We shouldn't be zombies anymore, we needn't be, not with YouTube and the windfall of affordable technology. Immortality's easy these days. Baudrillard 101.
So, zombie, do we really long anymore? Do we really need to if our Aristophanesic other half runs on AAs?
Are we all, as Tiptree writes, "controllable gods," gods under our own self-control?
Are we at an end to longing, zombie, if the gods are zombies, if the gods are us? A Wagnerian Longingdammerung?
Surpassing the gods? Do we dare?
No, we still long. Longing doesn't change, only the thing longed for. So, zombie, I ask you, what lies beyond immortality worth longing for?
We'll see only when the idea of immortality achieves the dullness of doorknobs.
A post-deity, post-celebrity future.
Zombie, there's a great future there!

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