Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Out of Body Experience

The Girl Who Was Plugged In was a crazy story. It brought back vague memories I had of Minority Report but it was still really different so I can't wait to see the movie again actually. I can relate a lot to P. Burke and her obsession with wanting to be perfect. Although I try not to be materialistic it is really hard in todays world. What is that stupid saying, keeping up with the Jones'? Anyways I can only imagine how the future is going to be if only in the last decade our celebrities have become our gods and more people can identify P. Diddy than can identify Colon Powell. In the short story however, P. Burke lived her life superficially inhabiting mentally another person's body, Delphi. The only down side of it all is that eventhough her mind believes and kind of feels like she is really living as Delphi, she has lost her senses for the most part. I thought it was sad that she hated life so much as herself that she wanted to give it all up to seek happiness as someone else. I would never do that, even if it did become possible one day for me to live the rest of my days as Giselle Bunchen. Might be nice but nothing is worth giving up your own identity, it is one of the only things that no one else will ever have, its just for you!

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