Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Look Around...See the Delphis!?

I just finished reading “The Girl Who Was Plugged In” and I have to say the goose bumps this riveting short story caused me to have, have not subsided. Okay, so it is definitely in the genre of Sci-Fi…but so many aspects of this innovative piece reflect our current culture. Sadly, we are SO into the superficial lives of celebrities that often times I feel like people forget that there is a WAR in Iraq! There is so much star-worship going on now that is completely unnecessary, not to mention unhealthy. Perhaps this piece was written in order to Wake us up, before our planet is infested with smiling Delphis. But wait! In a sense, aren’t we already starting to see this trend of physical perfect barely legal honeys selling idiotic garbage that no one really needs!? I feel a piece of Delphi lives in ever young sexually appealing/yet virginal/corporate baby whore who is used to sell a product. Let’s face it, these girls that live in our society today sacrifice their true identity to fit the mold of someone, or SOMETHING that will be marketable, much like how deformed P. Burke traded in her life for some blonde hair, minibreasts, and fame.
I really don’t blame P. Burke for making this drastic choice. She was “the ugly of the world” who saw an opportunity to be like the ‘gods’ she praised and jumped on it. In this hypothetical future culture, that is so beauty conscious, what other option did she really have? I though it was very interesting that she was “young” but “who would care”. This just goes to show that if good looks aren’t attached to youth, youth isn’t even cherished and valued. Our culture TODAY is so obsessed with outward appearances. I mean look at how plastic surgery has become common place! In some circles it is accepted, even encouraged that a noise job or breast implants be given as a sweet 16 presents! People right now as I am typing this are mutilating their bodies in the name of beauty. Now, I ask you, is this not so far off from the society depicted in Tiptree’s story?
I found the conclusion to be painstakingly heart-breaking. Paul seemed like a genuine guy, but when he faced the “monster” P. Burke, who animated the body he called Delphi, his good-man status plummeted. He actual killed the woman he loved without even fully realizing it. This whole idea represents the importance of inner-beauty that is overlooked now-a-days. It’s like it doesn’t even matter who you are on the inside because by surrounding yourself with the right name brands and looking hot will make up for whatever ugliness you possess on the inside! The similarities between this chilling story and the media frenzied world we live in today really hit home. Are we paving the insane road to artificial-ville….or are we already there??

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