Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Power to the Precogs!!!!

I have got to say, I am really starting to enjoy all these Sci-Fi futuristic works we are reading. They seem to get my brain thinking about all types of hypothetical issues we may run into in the future. “Minority Report”, if read from a certain angle, could be viewed as a political piece about capital punishment. I know you are probably thinking, “That is such a stretch!”. But, it makes sense, in MR the poor Precogs are exploited in order to prevent criminal activity. However, they are flawed to a certain degree. They are not a perfect 100% accurate SYSTEM that can determine the innocent from the guilty. Although DNA doesn’t lie, there can still be the slight chance that those falsely accused may end up on death row in today’s world. It just makes one question the exactness (or lack of exactness) within our current justice system. Maybe MR was written in order for us to look around and recognize that bureaucratic institutions really do NOT have the interest of the PERSON in mind.
This idea of not being concerned with the welfare of the individual is made SO CLEAR when we examine the Precogs. These talented individuals, who are blessed with a powerful psychic ability, are simply used by Precrime! It is so so so hypocritical! Precrime claims that they have saved lives for years, yet what about all the lives that they have annihilated in the name of JUSTICE?! The Precogs are not even viewed as people. All of their basic rights are taken away just so they can be used as a vegetative tool to “fight crime”. Precrime is basically killing Precogs so others can live. They want to come off as a company that values human life, but they are the ones responsible for torturing those blessed with a sixth-sense. Isn’t this trading crime for crime?
I also wonder, “Couldn’t there be a more humanitarian way of obtaining info from the Precogs?”. I mean why do they have to be these inanimate objects that suffer day in and day out? Couldn’t the Precogs be part of society and work with police to prevent atrocities from occurring? Maybe the Precogs are hooked up to machines and forced to spit out important knowledge because this method is viewed as the “most efficient” technique. Perhaps it would cost Precrime, or taxpayers, more money to have the Precogs be kept in their natural human form. After all, if this was the case, the Precogs would have to be paid a salary, because they would be EMPLOYEES, not damaged machinery. The whole situation is very sad indeed. It puts me in mind of certain psychics that work with cops now-a-days to solve murders/crimes that have already been committed. Goodness, I hope that we never see this crazy ill-treatment in our world.

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