Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Division of Power Within Gender

This book, Fight Club, has given me a new look at the novels and films that have been assigned. The thing that has been stressed is gender and it's correlation to all the characters. One thing I have now noticed is that within each gender, male or female, there is active/ passive within each sex. With Fight Club, Tyler is the active male while No Name Protagonist is the passive. Same goes with Interview With TheVampire; Lastat is the active and Louis is the passive. With The Girl Who Was Plugged In, P. Burk again the active and Delphi here the passive. What it all boils down to is PROPERTY/OWNERSHIP. It seems that whomever has more knowledge (or convinces the other this is so), is the one who controls the other. This control gives them a feeling of ownership over the other, who they treat as property. The passive feels the lack of knowledge makes them inferior, and they accept their role as property. Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, gives the impression that Brick is passive, yet he welds control over Big Daddy, Gooper, (and Maggie as well). Showing no desire for the plantation or it's destiny, he has the control to do what he wants regardless of anyone else. Woo Hoo, strong Big Daddy succumbs in the end to show the love Brick claims Big Daddy doesn't or never did have for anyone. Gooper continuously is trying to show his great concern he has for the welfare of the entire situation (Big Daddy and the future of the homestead) but he just looks like a fool in comparison to Brick. So it's this . . . Brick comes across as the passive one but it isn't so; he holds the knowledge that is the most important! This also gives him the property and ownership of all the males around him, he has them in his hot gorgeous hands.

One last thing, power/control/ownership/property can change hands rather quickly. Think about it . . .

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