Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Gayze

Another week, another book or film, another story involving homosexuality. Throughout the semester, the theme has obviously been centered around homosexuality. Once again, this theme is present in Fight Club. In some of the novels/films we've covered, there is no question that it it present. Such as Fight Club and Maurice. Other times, the film or novel only hints us to thinking there might be some kind of other action going on. Such examples would be Interview With the Vampire, Louis and Lestat, and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, between Brick and Skipper. Nevertheless, the idea is there.

Speaking of ideas... Can we also say that Laura Mulvey's idea of the "gaze" is also present in some of the works we've covered? I think so.. In the films Maurice and Interview With the Vampire, we were shown nude scenes in order to capture our "gaze" and attention. In the film Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, we are forced to "gaze" thanks to the director's use of close-ups. The audience is shown several scenes where Maggie is obviously displayed for visual pleasure. The use of close-ups is also present in the novel Fight Club. "Tyler spliced a penis into everything after that. Usually, close-ups, or a Grand Canyon vagina with an echo, four stories tall and..." I'm looking forward to see in what direction is Fight club is going to lead us!

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