Friday, April 6, 2007

Drowning in Testosterone

It seems to me if one can no longer gage a person's age with in ten years, there is something insidiously inserted, a tainted commandment that has become standard in our society.

Growing old includes gracefully deciphered means regular botox injections, liposuction, face lifts and bodies that look like someone replaced on these sculpted frames, heads borrowed from nursing homes, cartoons and the morgue.

Hollywood, and the media has given the average person unreal expectations and a dishonest billion dollar's worth of equipment to look
like the models displaying, the thighmaster, home gym, and the millions consumer's spend on comsmetics to cover, cleanser's to erace, glue-like substances to paralize one's face, guaranteeed for at least eight hours.

We are at the point that taken to extremes and in the mildest form, no one is sure, who you are as you are a stranger to yourself. Not to mention
disreputible plastic surgeons, who are enablers to plastic surgery junkies.

There are women, who want Matels' Barbie's look and worse receive it. There is a reason it is called plastic surgery. No wonder Tyler's are conjured up as no one cannot be made sleeker, drive a better car, or buy the car and voila are transformed into the chick magnet. The car is the promised genie.The unwritten warranty, a " gentlement's" agreement with the chivalry of advertising.

It seems fashion/age/type and weight is decided by what stars wear, don't wear, don't eat. won't eat, drink, don't etc. thus the viewers are in state of perpetual confusion on who and how they can become another, as the media has informed as they way it stands, we don't measure spend, tithe, give till it hurts and Jesus will reward you. too.

I think it warrants repeating, mantra style, when the urge to scout out Zanadu or emerse oneself in the fountain of is only a is only a movie.

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