Thursday, April 26, 2007

Genders and other mothers

I have watched Huffman performance in " Trans America' twice as there is so many subtle nuances, one viewing couldn't possibly encompass.
First, there is the reconciliation with stanly, the acknowledgment of a forgotton entity that almost has to be devoured, ingested, if you will to be complete.Oddly like the stronger twin embryo inbibing the weaker.
Second, what was once the most important life altering experience runs secondary to companionship and trust something she could not afford to do for a fear of exposure until her habits became her prison. At her job, she was a genderless dishwasher and a liar. She lies to her therapist and although not stated it is intimated by Bree's knowledge of indian knowledge that Stanly may have fabricated the heritage to alienate himself further from his fanily. He tells his son the truth and faces his family when he sees his son as a friend, then as of him/her a gift impossible without Stanly.
It is a life affirming film. As in all perceptioms, we hope that Bree's son stays with her. We hope she gets her degree. We hope he gets film work he truly wants and we hope just this once it really is like this.

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