Sunday, April 15, 2007

Lights out

If one stops to consider how the war has been made into a G rating viewers Tv episode by networks especially Fox.
Mcluhan's intent in the " The Medium is the Message" is that "technology" has and is an extension of ourselves." Over here we go about life thinking few are dying and we are creating independence for a abused and tattered country, a situation that our goverment instigated by putting in place one who would aquiese to our needs.oil.

However, over here with the agrrement of the media, the one's, who are supposed to inform, suppressed. While our goverment has violated the Geneva convention rules, we are supposed to injest the bilious assertion that soilders with no experience in torture, tortued prisoners, rather the enemy and with the constant use of enemy as in germany, prisoner's become non-entities with no more rights than roaming animals.

Moreover, to make physical contact, hence compassion and mercy dissipate, we put black hoods over their heads. What does black symbolize. well bad, condemned and with no face a illdesigned mannequin. How can one demoralize a faceless souless mannequin? A guiltless war is producedby those who taste power and metted out by those ultimately held resposible. With bad information coming at the american public through the internet and worse the New's media[(after vietnam) we assumed it would be more honest] relying on the president's regime to supply their fodder of truths to those, who wanted to believe God's right hand man was in charge.

Apparently, if one say's I am with God, regardless of ones actions, the mainstream will believe that if a higher power albeit, self-professed is guiding the sword, then victory is assured. what is forgotten is the loss of jobs, the destruction of souls and the lust for blood that remains.

Ultimately, the constituents have become so alienated from the original plan with the media's cooperation flooding the news reels with "Letters Home" etc. that the enemy has become anyone who queries these edicts. And ever so smoothly church and state have become so entwined and entangled, the next regime wont know where to begin hacking the vines, let alone the point of origin.

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