Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Looks like we got a bunch of haters.. " Don't hate, appreciate." "If you got, flaunt it." A couple of phrases used constantly by women. Seems to me that Wolf wants to "hate on" those who have what she doesn't. Can you say JEALOUS!? haha I'm just kidding! Just thought I'd add another side to it and see what the response was.

Wolf brings up a lot of good points. Women do try to impress men with their acts, clothes, enhancements, and other fixes. When you go out to a club (except for gay male clubs), you don't see a couple a dudes grinding on each other. Its not cool. But, what is it that you do see everytime you go out? Thats right, some girl on girl action. A couple of girls, who most of the time arent lesbians, doin their thing to grab attention. You'll also see times when two girls are dancing with one guy. One in front and one in the back (aka the sandwich style). In both cases, who do ya think is getting the most pleasure?

Gregarious1, you mentioned how these porn star role models have to have an "open" mind to do what they do. But, do we really want to use the word "open?" Sure, these models have to be able to open up and allow themselves to play these roles, but do they really know whats going on? Instead, I'd say these models are more narrow minded than anything. Blind to the facts demonstrated by Wolf. What they need to do is open up their mind and realize what else is out there for them.

But is it right to blame men for these things? It goes the other way too ya know. Guys are always hitting the gym to become more buff for women. Why? Because most women like it. A lot of girls want to see the abs, biceps, pecs, and what seems to be the favorite, the v-muscle. Which brings me to the point... Why are we trying so hard to impress that special someone? Shouldn't we all be looking for the "GOOD PERSONALITY" factor. Women make the choice to shop at Victoria's Secret. They aren't forced to. Guys make the choice to join the gym. Here's an idea.. Why not look for those who find our natural beauty attractive. But then again its tough. Especially when guys like Sisqo come out with songs titled "Thong Song." Hopefully everyone remembers that one. Everyone's "got it," the difference is how you "flaunt it."


Kimberly Riffle said...

Its not about women being beautiful. Its ALL about women being airbrushed half to death, and the unrealistic representation of beauty that it presents to men/women/people. Its about women not feeling good in their own perfectly normal bodies, and being surrounded by false representations of beauty. Its definitely not about hating. Everyone can appreciate a beautiful face/body/person. But not everyone can appreciate feeling sub-human to these airbrushed/false figures.

Good points, though. I am NOT discrediting you whatsoever.

Kimberly Riffle said...

PS--Victoria Secret has great bras! I don't shop there because I want to show off my ta-tas...but because they hold 'em up just fine.